You only get one chance to make a first impression. Never is this phrase more true than online. There are so many choices available, a poor experience can literally break your business. Today, digital merchants must ensure their customer needs and expectations are anticipated and exceeded. According to The Gomez Peak Time Internet Usage Study, the majority of customers, 88%, are less likely to return to a website after a bad experience. Brands or Retailers need to continually optimize their customers’ experience, from clear organization of the site to a full assortment of products, including complete product descriptions, imagery, video, customer reviews, and a solid UX best practices foundation.
At DEPLABS, our teams have curated a living reference library of usability and UX reports, case studies and articles all reinforcing the importance of a well thought out, well implemented UX. Optimized and intentional user flow has been proven to support increases in AOV and conversion.
Let’s start with the basics.
What is the primary purpose and meaning of the Ecommerce UX? The article “Ecommerce UX: What It Takes To Create The Best User Experience For Your Online Store” provides a clear and basic understanding. The article poses common questions and provides actionable answers:
“Have you wondered why around 76 out of every 100 of your visitors end up abandoning their cart? It’s simple — they aren’t impressed at all.”
What can you do to increase sales and customer satisfaction? The author of the article, Charles Richard, offers his insight. Offering a convenient and seamless experience is paramount, as stated in the article:
“Anywhere you can save your customers time is an opportunity for your ecommerce business to win.”
We agree. Time is a great asset and saving it improves user experience. When you save your customers time on your site, you give them back time to enjoy their everyday lives, and remove the unnecessary friction of navigating your website. Moreover, C. Richard highlights the importance of research when creating an experience for an ecommerce platform:
“…customers act as brand advocates who promote their products and services widely. So you need to complete some user research to identify their needs, meet or even exceed their expectations, and deliver the best experiences. ”
This article contains more great information, from proven techniques for connecting with your customers, to useful user experience tips and actual ecommerce site examples.
We encourage you to read the article and share your thoughts with us.
N/N Group is a UX research and consulting firm trusted by leading organizations world-wide. It was founded by Jakob Nielsen and Don Norman who are recognized around the world for their leadership in defining the field of UX.
Their research-based approach includes studies of real users around the world and their interactions with actual websites and applications. Their findings have helped businesses improve their UX design and to create a better user experience as a whole.
N/N Group offers many great insights of ecommerce UX strategy. One of our favorites is “The New Ecommerce User Experience: Changes in Users’ Expectations” which provides a detailed look at the expectations of shoppers today. How can you create an experience which is loved and appreciated? As stated in the article:
“The battle for ecommerce market value is now centered around who can meet customers’ growing expectations for shopping experiences that are simple, fast, reliable, and convenient. “
The article includes the following six major aspects of user’s expectations: Convenience, Speed, Assurance, Accuracy, Options, and Experience. These play a huge role in creating an ecommerce environment that leads to satisfaction and drives sales for business. For more amazing content from the N/N Group regarding UX ecommerce practices — from various research materials, to tests and reports — see their Ecommerce UX article series here.
In his article “eCommerce UX – An Overview of Best Practices”, Miklos Philips provides strong, factual proof and research that highlights the importance of UX in boosting Ecommerce sales. Many businesses learn this the hard way by ignoring what great UX can do for their bottom line. As M. Philips writes:
“.. many eCommerce companies with billions of dollars in annual revenue (including some big names) still don’t get the user experience right. If they committed to making their eCommerce user experience more seamless and pleasurable, these giant, billion-dollar names could add even more billions to their bottom line.”
This article provides vital information on eCommerce’s best UX practices that improve sales. The article contains a great infographic, which provides a visual overview of the article. For example, the author mentions that the average checkout flow in ecommerce stores has 15 form fields, which is twice as many as are needed. He also mentions that only 54% of ecommerce companies display the right amount of information in the product listings.
View the full infographic with more valuable facts here.
The importance of UX in Ecommerce cannot be overestimated. There is a wealth of information available on how to increase sales and bring in more and more satisfied customers. While this article provides some quick insights on the subject, we don’t by any means plan to stop here. Watch for future articles from us which will give you even more tools to map the best UX path forward for your ecommerce business. We’ll take a deeper dive into new UX stats for ecommerce, user behavioral patterns, and more. We at DEPLABS want you to join us on this journey of discovery. Are you ready?
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